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5% Campaign Launches 2015 Effort for a Rate Increase Following Surplus News

The campaign for a five percent rate increase in 2015 was officially launched Monday, December 8 during a Capitol news conference

The campaign for a five percent rate increase in 2015 was officially launched Monday, December 8 during a Capitol news conference with Senator Kent Eken (DFL) and a roomful of caregivers, advocates, providers, individuals we serve, and local reporters.

Senator Eken, who will author the Senate’s five percent rate increase bill, made a compelling case for another increase following his success as chief author of the five percent rate increase bill in 2014.  He said last year’s increase “stopped the hemorrhaging” and noted in the past ten years inflation rose 23.3 percent while rates increased by only 10.4 percent. 

The news conference came shortly after the fiscal forecast, which projects a $1.1 billion surplus for the next two years, starting July 1, 2015. The forecast informs the governor and legislature how much they can spend for the biennium starting July 1, 2015 when they make tax and spending decisions during the 2015 legislative session.  The forecast will be undated in early March to give legislators and Governor Dayton the final amount they have to work with.

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