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Help Preserve I/DD Services Today!

Disability services are on the chopping block at the state and federal levels. Help us change that!

A new year means a new start to the legislative year! However, disability services are on the chopping block at both the state and federal levels. We need your help to save them!

Both ANCOR and ARRM, our local and national trade associations, have issued recent Action Alerts that we need you to act on NOW! Significant cuts are being proposed to Medicaid funding and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding is being canceled on the federal level. On the state level, waiver services are the primary target of significant cuts in Governor Walz’s proposed budget.

We need to act now to protect funding for people with disabilities!

Please reach out to your legislators today to urge them to deny any cuts to disability services. Click on the links below to get started.

Make a Change on the Federal Level

Protect Disability Services in Minnesota*

*On the ARRM page, scroll to the bottom of the page and on the right-hand side, you’ll see Action Alerts. Click Take Action, enter in your information and hit send! It’s that easy!

Thank you for your advocacy!