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One Last Push for HHS Omnibus Bill!

Help us out one last time to push for the need for long-term funding for disability waiver services!

We just received an update and urgent ACTION ALERT from ARRM, our local trade association, on the Health and Human Services Omnibus Bill. Right now, the bill is in conference committee–but they must work out a deal ASAP since the regular legislative session ends next Monday!

See ARRM’s Action Alert below and please reach out to your legislators TODAY by clicking on the link below. This is our LAST CHANCE to make a difference!

The Health and Human Services (HHS) Omnibus bill Conference Committee has been appointed. These ten legislators now begin their substantial task of working out the differences between the House and Senate versions of the HHS Omnibus bills. These Conference Committee members need to be hearing from their constituents and other legislators about the need for long-term funding for disability waiver services to address the current lack of service access.

Please reach out to your MN House member and your MN Senate member and share your message about the importance of investing in waiver-funded disability services to address current service access barriers for Minnesotans with disabilities.

Thank you for your advocacy!!