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Act Now on Latest Action Alerts!

The first Action Alerts of the year are now out! Please help us advocate for the disability community! 

Now that we’re into the New Year, a lot is happening on the legislative front! The session now started, so we’re asking for your help in rallying for support of disability services—however you’re able to do so. Below are several ways you can become involved. Your advocacy is what will help us get across the finish line this session!Article Image

Act Now on Latest Action Alerts!

1.) State-Wide Efforts:

ARRM, our local trade association, just launched a statewide action alert to encourage legislators to act on ARRM's legislative priorities and address the needs of disability services NOW. Please complete the Action Alert yourself and then share with your friends and family – encourage everyone you know to participate! Click on the link below to get started.

Everyone in the Minnesota legislature was up for reelection in November and there was much redistricting, so we have many new legislators in both the House and the Senate this year—including many of whom represent Phoenix homes. It’s very important we educate everyone about our current state of affairs.

If you need to look up who represents you, please visit this website:

2.) Federal Efforts:

The Arc of the United States, a national advocacy group for disability support, just launched their #CareCantWait petition – and we need you to sign it! We need to continue advocating for this on the federal level as well! Click the link below to join this effort. 


Thank you for your advocacy!