Made in the Shade 2024
Join us for our annual 5K walk at the lake to support the disability community!
Event: Made in the Shade 5K Walk, Run & Roll 
Date: September 21, 2024
Where: Thomas Beach on Bde Maka Ska (Lake Calhoun)
9:30 am - Check-In at Thomas Beach
10:00 am - Program
10:20 am - Warmup for the Walk
10:30 am - Walk, Run and Roll Starts
Feel free to listen to music instead!
11:00 am - Post-Event Celebration Featuring Lunch and Music
Tune in for music from The Showstoppers!
Now that we’re in the dog days of summer, it’s time to look forward to the days ahead of Made in the Shade 2024! Join us for a day of fun with free food, entertainment, and meeting new friends!
Made in the Shade is our annual 5K walk to support adults with disabilities. We join with six other organizations like us for this exciting day of fundraising! Made in the Shade is truly a non-competitive walk, run, and roll, so anyone can join in the fun!
We are thrilled to announce WCCO anchor, Shayla Reaves, will host our event again this year!
All of the funds raised go directly to the individuals we support. Each Phoenix Residence home decides how to use the funds, whether that is for music therapy, weekend trips, or new equipment needed in the home.
All are welcome to attend, so bring your friends and family! Don’t forget to stop by our registration table to sign up for a drawing of a $40 GIFT CARD TO TARGET just for showing up to our event! And don't forget to vote on your favorite pieces in this year's art contest!
Make Your Contribution Today!
Sign up to be a sponsor of the event! It’s a great way to recognize your company or organization and support a good cause! Or simply be a sponsor to improve the lives of your loved one and their housemates. Your donation will go directly back to the home your loved one lives in.
Learn more about sponsorship levels here and send us this form if you're interested in becoming an event sponsor! Or visit our website to make your donation today! Be sure to list which house you would like to support and your T-shirt size. Anyone who donates $25 or more will receive an exclusive Made in the Shade T-shirt!
Support Us Today!
Questions? Please contact Jackie Larson at 651-294-7964 or
We look forward to seeing you at the lake on September 21st!
Want to Do Even More?
Raise Contributions! Ask your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers to support us too! Feel free to share this event brochure with them, and then send them to our website to make their donation today. You can even invite them to the event! Everyone is welcome!