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Tyshanna McKamie, House Supervisor, Featured in ARRM Blog

Tyshanna speaks about importance of The 5% Campaign and the struggles Support Professionals often face financially.

Tyshanna McKamie, a House Supervisor at The Phoenix Residence, was recently featured on the ARRM What's New(s) Blog titled “Rewarding Job Brings Financial Challenges." Tyshanna speaks about the importance of The 5% Campaign and the struggles Support Professionals often face financially.

"Rewarding Job Brings Financial Challenges" by Tyshanna McKamie ~ Appearing on ARRM What's New(s) Blog

Hello, my name is Tyshanna McKamie and I support adults with physical and developmental disabilities. I started working at The Phoenix Residence Inc. in 2001; the people I care for have become my second family through my years of service. My job as a House Supervisor is very rewarding because of the positive recognition I receive from coworkers and wonderful people I serve. To continue reading, click here