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Phoenix Residence Recognizes the July Employee of the Month

The Phoenix Residence would like to recognize Derayle Jones as the July Employee of the Month! Derayle is an employee at the Drexel House

The Phoenix Residence would like to recognize Derayle Jones as the July Employee of the Month! Derayle works at the Drexel Court House – he is a very hard worker as well as extremely kind and considerate. When asked to do any task around the house, Derayle gets right to work without a complaint. He has also stepped up to the plate and picked up extra hours.

Derayle truly has a heart of gold when working with our clients. Recently, an individual was in the hospital for an extended period of time, leaving much work to be completed at the house. He selflessly worked alone at Drexel while supporting clients and completing a full work load.

Derayle’s hard work has not gone unnoticed at Drexel House:

“I have been working at Phoenix for seven months. I have coworkers who do their job well, value team work, and have respect for the residents.  I have one coworker in particular who goes over and above.  His name is Derayle Jones. He is willing to pick up extra shifts and help out whenever needed.   He doesn't sit back and wait for someone to do the work; he steps up and gets the work completed.”

Congratulations Derayle!