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English House Made Cards for Military Men and Women

English House participated in making holiday cards for Operation Christmas Card, making over 25 cards.

This past weekend, the English House participated in making holiday cards for Operation Christmas Card. Operation Christmas Card sends Christmas cards to military men and women stationed around the world and stateside.  The mission of Operation Christmas Card is to “love our troops one card at a time” and to ensure our service members know they are appreciate and supported during the holiday season; with a goal of sending 175,000 cards. 

Staff and residents of English assisted in making the cards, completing over 25 cards.  Those participating were Lizzie, Ted, Sandy, Gail, and Linda.  Once the cards are finished, the cards will be drop cards off Michaels Arts & Craft stores for distribution.  They are also planning on making cards for local veterans and nursing homes. Great job English House for making someones holiday season a little brighter!