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Phoenix Announces Employee of the Year Winners

We had so many incredible nominations, but here's who stood out above the rest!

We work with so many great staff members who provide exceptional care to the individuals we support. It is with great pleasure that we announce our 2024 Employees of the Year! Staff were nominated by their coworkers for their compassion, work ethic, and outstanding service. Please join us in congratulating them! 

Throughout January, we’ll be recognizing all the staff who got nominated for these awards, so watch our website for these announcements.

Direct Support Professionals of the Year:

 1.) Nelson Cardenas​ – Multiple Homes

"I would like to nominate Nelson Cardenas. He is a kind caring person. He is always willing to pick up hours and help out when he can. He is very supportive with our residents and always practices PCP (person-centered planning). He has been doing a lot of training with our new people as well. Everyone has nice things to say about him. He completes all of his tasks in a timely manner. I know when he’s working, I never have to worry about the house or our residents."

"I'm reaching out to nominate Nelson Cardenas. I believe he deserves recognition for his hard work and contributions to the house. I feel as though he has a huge impact on the resident's care from passing meds and making sure each individual is well taken care of. He's always positive while on the clock and goes above and beyond to make sure he's a team player with the staff he's working with." 

2.) Thekeisha Thomas​ – Foss & Furness Homes 

"I would like to nominate Thekeisha Thomas for the Employee of the Year because she a good worker. When I first started, Thekeisha was the first staff that trained me on how to do my cares and everything that I need to know. Thekeisha is like a big sister to me, and I'm so glad that she's my coworker here at Furness."

"I would like to nominate Thekeisha Thomas for DSP. She's always helping, even without asking her for the help and she's always there for  every resident, taking excellent care of them. Thekeisha Thomas is there whenever needed." 

3.) Samantha Summy​ – Suburban House

"I would like to nominate Samantha Summy. She has a connection with the Suburban folks that only be categorized as love and respect. The clients there see her as a support system as well as someone that they can depend on. She takes the time to ask them what they want and respectfully lets them know why if it can't happen. She is first to cheer them on in their successes as well as offer a hug if they are sad. She sets a good example for staff as well, explaining why the client may want one thing or another."

Manager of the Year:

Nakia Hammond – Newport House 

"Nakia Hammond has been in the program manager/program supervisor role for almost 2 years, and throughout those 2 years, she has been in the program supervisor role by herself, showing great determination and great care to the residents she takes care of. She balances out the paperwork and floor hours so perfectly. When she is on the floor, she makes sure the residents are her number one priority. She makes the residents go out in the community, to the indoor zoo or movies, and on special adventures. She has a variety of activities for the residents in the house, while also keeping the staff  involved. She is such a great leader and great role model for new staff that come to the house. There is no such thing as a stupid question with her. If you don't know the answer, always ask Nakia. She also has such great relationships with the guardians and families of the residents in the house. She is such a great person to be around."

To read all of Nakia's nominations, click here.

Support Staff of the Year:

Sarah Boone – Office Manager

"I’d like to nominate Sarah Boone for Employee of the Year. Sarah is the glue that holds us together. She helps make sure everything runs smoothly, from ordering supplies to greeting new employees to teaching First Aid & CPR. When she was out on maternity leave earlier this year, she was certainly missed. 

This past year, she’s taken on our admissions and scheduling duties as well. She helps resolve scheduling conflicts as well as giving tours and responding to all our open bed inquiries. And she’s the perfect person for it. She’s worked as a direct care staff in the homes and on the administrative side, so she knows all that needs to be done for a successful admission.

She is our landing base when we don’t know who else to ask. She’s happy to help when she can—no matter the department or size of the project. And if she doesn’t know the answer, she will find out for you. Her knowledge of the industry is extraordinary, and we are so lucky to have her by our side! Thank you Sarah for all you do for us! We’d be lost without you!

Health Team Member of the Year:

Lydia Scherr-Demzuk​ – Nursing Team 

"Lydia is an amazing nurse who exemplifies the best qualities of her profession. She genuinely loves every individual she serves. I have seen Lydia stay late into the night shifts at Howard House so often. She doesn't quit until her job is done; if anything, sometimes I will say, "Lydia! Go home, rest!" Her time management, even under pressure, is carefuly organized – a skill I've witnessed and tried to apply to my own work. Her care goes above and beyond. She also takes a personal interest in helping our staff learn and grow in this field. It is so important to have a mentor, and Lydia more than fulfills this role at Howard House. We love Lydia!"

Phoenix Service Corporation (our sister company):

Yvette Huff​ – Housing Specialist

"I would like to nominate Yvette Huff for Employee of the Year. I have had the opportunity to witness Yvette’s compassion personally. One day, she helped problem-solve an issue for a family that was evicted. She was trying to find resources for a damage deposit, working with the client on new housing options, and let the client lead the process (or allowed her to feel in control) regarding new landlords, rent amounts etc. The client had stopped in for signatures, but was really upset by her family dynamics. Yvette kept her from escalating even more. She didn’t try to tell her what would and wouldn’t work, because at the point it was clear the client would not want to hear that. She just did a really nice job with this woman’s mental health while remaining professional."

To read all of Yvette's nomination, click here.

Congratulations to all our winners! You are making a difference!