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Phoenix Recognizes January Employees of the Month

Carla Tankson from the Caswell House and Dia Shanely from Janet Court House were recognized as the Employee of the Month for January 2013.

Carla Tankson

I would like to nominate Carla Tankson for Employee of the Month.  I feel that Carla has grown and shown her strength as the Caswell House Supervisor.  Carla Caswell has made a strong effort to work with me and others to benefit Caswell House and its residents. Caswell House really looked nice for the Christmas holiday season, thanks to Carla, and she made sure each resident had a present under the tree; purchased with her own money.  It is apparent Carla has the best interest of the residents at heart, just by watching what she has done to enhance their home.

Just recently while at the Caswell House, young Mr. Bill was being dropped off after work and while exiting the van, he fell. Carla saw this happen from the window, raced out the door to make sure he was okay – thankfully he was. Carla’s concern for Bill was apparent.  I feel she is deserving of Employee of the Month.

Dia Shanely

I would like to nominate Dia Shanely for Employee of the Month. If you enter Janet Court on a shift Dia is working, you will see residents engaged in activities; you will smell Dia baking or cooking with residents in the kitchen.  You will hear laughter, conversation, and feel a warm, friendly, relaxed environment.     

One of the things that inspires me and the staff working around Dia, is her amazing ability to anticipate the needs of each Janet Court resident and the way she attends them in such a manner that appears so small and natural.

Over the Holiday weekend, a resident at Janet Court was to attend a 64th anniversary party for her parents. Dia agreed to transport the resident and arranged the house to ensure this would happen again.

When I arrived to work Monday morning, I received two phone calls from both Mary’s brother and sister.  They wanted to recognize Dia and inform me Mary looked FABULOUS!  They reported Mary’s hair was set and was wearing a beautiful outfit with jewelry. Her siblings stated that Mary’s parents were so happy to see Mary receiving such wonderful care.

Dia also was recognized over the same weekend by an on-call manager to report that Dia was very friendly and helpful while communicating with her throughout the weekend when dealing with staffing issues.  Dia continues to grow and amazes here at Janet Court she truly understands and demonstrates good customer service.