Celebrating the Unsung Heros: Our Managers
Help us honor our managers from our waiver homes.
Our 4-bed waiver homes have different requirements than our CRS sites. Help me thank these managers who help manage them, including those from our Clinton, Drexel, Eric, Lydia, Suburban, and Western homes.
Jen Gottschling – Assistant Program Director 
- Started in 2016
- Previously the Scheduling Coordinator, Float Manager, and a DSP
“My favorite memory this past year is working with many amazing people that I get to share my life with! The relationships I have built over the years are very special. Another memory is helping all the managers become better leaders, and it is so exciting to see! I am proud of every single one of them.”
From Program Director Kim Phillips: “Jen is the sweetest, kindest person. Jen will never say no when asked to complete a task. Jen just plows through to get as many things done as possible pleasing everyone in her path.”
Tanazia Morehead - Clinton House 
- Started in 2017
- Previously a DSP
“My favorite memory is caring for the individuals in Clinton House. Recently we lost a good but feisty individual (Leyland). That was hard, but a few weeks ago, we gained an amazing individual (Stuart). I enjoy serving the individuals here at Clinton House.”
From APD Jen Gottschling: “Tanazia is so amazing at what she does for the individuals at Clinton House. She currently has a new individual that moved in at Clinton, and she has so many great ideas for making him comfortable! I appreciate Tanazia for all of her hard work. You have such compassion for all, and you have grown in your job; it is very exciting to see.”
Patty Mader - Drexel Court 
- Started in 2023
- New to Phoenix
“My favorite memories are the everyday smiles that keep me going. Discovering one of Chris’ favorite songs is “Row Row Row Your Boat” while passing time in the hospital with him was one of my favorites.”
From APD Jen Gottschling: “Patty has been an advocate for all the men at Drexel House since she started. She is so amazing. Her compassion for all of them is so wonderful to see. She has built relationships with all of the families and does a great job at Drexel House. I appreciate Patty for all of her hard work. You have grown so much in the last year! Thank you for everything you do at Drexel!”
Eucharia Sike – Eric’s House 
- Started in 2004
- Previously a DSP
“Eric’s is a fun place to work because of the ladies. Every Wednesday, we enjoy music therapy, where the ladies and staff will gather together and sing and dance. This therapy has increased the quality of life and reduced the stress of the staff and the residents.”
From APD Jen Gottschling: “Eucharia is so great at what she does for the ladies at Eric's House. Her compassion for the ladies is so great to see. She goes above and beyond to help them all be happy and healthy. She has grown into her role over the years and is doing a great job! Everyone loves Eucharia. She helped an individual go to the casino for the weekend and they had a great time! Thank you for everything you do at Eric's House.”
Marcus Taylor - Lydia House
- Started in 2013
- Previously a DSP and House Supervisor
“My favorite memory of this year was John finally going back to day program after they reopened from COVID.”
From APD Jen Gottschling: “Marcus has been at Phoenix for a long time, and he doesn't miss a beat. He is an amazing advocate for the individuals living at Lydia House. He takes them on awesome outings and cares so much about everyone. Marcus is always willing to lend a hand to other supervisors that need help, and they love it. Thank you for all of your hard work at Lydia.”
Barbara Stewart - Suburban House
- Started in 2024
- New to Phoenix
“My favorite memory is meeting Wade and him calling me Mom, then Maria—just seeing him smile is the greatest.”
From APD Jen Gottschling: “Barbara is new to Suburban and hit the ground running! She is compassionate to all of the individuals and wants to help them be the most independent as possible. It feels like she has been there forever! The way she handles situations, how she talks to staff and their families is great to see! She has such great ideas for Suburban House, and I am excited to see your progress at Suburban. Thank you for everything you've done at Suburban.”
Heidi Phillips - Western House
- Started in 2015
- Previously a DSP & Appointment Coordinator
“One of my favorite memories when I started at Western House is Chris saying to me “I remember you.” And then he started to ask me questions about my family that he remembered from years ago. I was amazed at his good memory, and he was so welcoming to me. I also love going to Jilli's mom’s house for lunch with Jilli. It was fun to see where Jilli grew up and all of Jilli’s history.”
From APD Jen Gottschling: “Heidi is new to supervising, but you wouldn't know it! When she started at Western, she jumped in right away. The way she has already built relationships with the individuals is so wonderful to see! She is compassionate about getting the individuals out into the community and making sure they live their best life. She is planning a trip to take one of the individuals to the Duluth/Hinkley casino. Thank you for all that you do at Western!”