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Three Employees Shine This Month

This month, we awarded three staff members for their outstanding work: One Leader of the Month, One Employee of the Month, and One Customer Service of the Month.

Leader of the Month - Shawn Johnson 

Shawn Johnson was chosen as Leader of the Month because of his support to individuals, his willingness to jump in wherever and whenever needed, and his positive attitude on the job.  

On ARRM Day at the Capitol, Shawn transported two individuals and their staff to and from the Capitol so they would not have to navigate parking. Also once a week, Shawn takes an individual with him as he shops for his supplies and fixes things at different homes. This man loves his time with Shawn and looks forward to it each week! 

Shawn has also been a tremendous help to our Property Manager as repairs are needed at rental properties owned by Phoenix. He has completed last-minute work on evenings and weekends, and his response has always been “Let me know what you need!”

Whether Shawn is responding to jump-start a dead battery, moving a piece of furniture last minute for a new admission, or addressing a water issue after hours, Shawn always has a positive attitude and a smile on his face. Congratulations Shawn, and thanks for all you do for the people that live and work at The Phoenix Residence.

Employee of the Month - Emily Rodgers

Furness experienced a perfect storm in January. Tashianna was at an all-day training, Tara was at another site in a meeting, and of course, that was when the Minnesota Department of Health came to do a survey at Furness. I arrived on the scene an hour later expecting to walk into chaos and instead I was pleasantly surprised. Emily had everything under control. She responded calmly and coolly answering questions and providing the surveyor with accurate information that would normally be provided by her supervisor or her supervisor’s supervisor. A lot of time when people are put in situations they simply put up their hands and say I don’t know, instead, Emily said I’ve got it. She did an excellent job of providing accurate, timely information, much of which must have been very difficult for her to find, let alone identify. “I’ve got it” is a perfect three-word synopsis for Emily. She’s a great team member, a great house supervisor, and a leader at Furness. She shined at survey and that is why she is nominated. But really that effort is just a microcosm of the work, effort and attitude that she displays every day when she works at Furness. Thank you Emily!

Customer Service of the Month - Jon Colby

Jon made sure that the guys from Douglas who are very much involved in ARRM Day at the Capitol got to attend. I was told due to housing concerns, the guys wouldn’t make it. But there they were, thanks to Jon.  Thank you Jon!  

Thank you to all of you for everything you do for The Phoenix Residence!