All About Us!
Chaparral House is a beautiful home located in a quiet residential setting in Apple Valley. We have a large deck and a basketball court which we enjoy when the weather permits.

We are only ten minutes from the Burnsville Center and many local restaurants. Our favorite is Old Country Buffet! We are a very active group and like to be out and about in the community whenever possible. We also like to attend community dances and are involved in sports such as softball and track as well as Special Olympics bowling.
Facts about Folks at Chaparral
The individuals who live at Chaparral are very social and outgoing. They are very close and treat each other like family.
If we are outside, you can be sure we will wave and say hello!
What Helps Me Feel Safe and Happy
During the weekday, everyone attends a work or a day program. We leave early in the morning and return by early afternoon.
The evenings are very busy; attending an appointment, a sporting event, or a trip to the mall to see a movie. The activities are endless!
More about US!
Wildlife likes to frequent our backyard. Often while sitting at our kitchen table or on the deck, we have seen as many as eight deer!