The purpose of our Advocacy efforts is to provide structure and support to individuals we serve, employees, families, and friends of Phoenix in advocating for support of disability services from our legislators
Effective Grassroots Advocacy requires a compelling issue or message and people. We have a compelling message; maintain services for persons with disabilities. Most importantly we have people! We have developed a strong base of people, grassroots advocates who are willing to share their stories, spread our message and advocate for themselves, their loved ones or the people they serve. There is power in numbers, the more advocates we have the more powerful our voice will become.
Recent Articles
Mon. Mar 30
Town Hall Meetings Scheduled with Minnesota Legislators
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Town Hall meetings to share your story on why 5% is so important
Thu. Feb 19
Town Hall Meetings Scheduled withe Sen Chamberlain & Rep Runbeck
Mark your calendars to attend the upcoming Town Hall meetings with Senator Roger Chamberlain & Rep Linda Runbeck
Tue. Feb 10
5% Rate Increase Bill Introduced
Good news! The 5% Home and Community-Based Services Rate Increase bill was introduced in the House and the Senate
Mon. Feb 02
The 5% Campaign Wants to Share Your Story!
The 5% Campaign would love to share your story to help support a 5% rate increase for Home and Community-Based Services in 2015.
Thu. Jan 29
Contact Governor Dayton!
Contact Gov. Dayton today! Proposed budget is released and it does not include a rate increase for Home and Community-Based Services!
Mon. Dec 22
ARRM’s 2015 Legislative Agenda
ARRM issued the 2015 Legislative Agenda focusing on four key initiatives, including passing a 5% rate increase
Mon. Dec 15
5% Campaign Launches 2015 Effort for a Rate Increase Following Surplus News
The campaign for a five percent rate increase in 2015 was officially launched Monday, December 8 during a Capitol news conference
Tue. Dec 09
Introducing ARRM's 2014 Technology Position Paper
ARRM recently released the 2014 Position Paper on Technology and Disability Services. The document outlines ways technology can be used to improve disability services
Tue. Dec 09
Send a Message to Gov. Dayton to Support The 5% Campaign
As we enter into the holiday season, let’s take this opportunity to reach out to Governor Dayton and urge him to support The 5% Campaign again in 2015
Thu. Nov 13
Mark your Calendars for MN-CCD Town Hall Forums
The 5% Campaign is partnering with the Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities for a series of five town hall forums around the state
Wed. Nov 12
The 5% Campaign Reveals 2015 Plan
We need to continue the momentum and need your help to make sure the newly elected officials continue to make people with disabilities a priority
Wed. Oct 08
Drexel House Attends ARRM Sponsored Candidate Forum
ARRM in partnership with member and community organizations hosted a Candidate Form to inform voters about issues affecting the disability community
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